Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (PhD) Intercultural Studies/Mission Theology
South Australia University (MA) Leadership and Management
Singapore Bible College (BTh) Theology
中華福音神學研究學院 教牧宣教研究中心主任
中華福音神學研究學院 宣博科博士論文導師
中華福音神學研究學院 教牧宣教研究所副教授(專業技術人員)
2008-現今 海外基督使團(前內地會)宣教諮詢顧問/導師 Mission Consultant and Mentor (OMF)
2020-2022 海外基督使團 教會與宣教事工工場主任 Field Director for Church and Mission Ministry (OMF)
2016-2020 跨文化研究員及訪問學者(牛津宣教研究中心) Researcher and Visiting Scholar
2009-2016 海外基督使團 大中華地區國際主任 International Director for China and Beyond (OMF)
2006-2009 海外基督使團 華人事工工場主任 Field Director for Chinese Ministries (OMF)
2002-2006 神學教牧培訓發展事工主任 Director for Theological and Pastoral Development(OMF)
1998-2001 新加坡武吉班讓福音堂牧者 Senior Pastor of Bukit Panjang Gospel Chapel in Singapore
博士論文與出版書籍 PhD Thesis and Books
2023 “Missionary-Self and Mission-Others: Chinese Missionary Identity from Trinitarian Perspective” PhD Thesis. Oxford Centre for Mission Studies/ Middlesex University
2017 “The Gospel and Wenzhou: Collected Essays Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Arrival of Protestantism in Wenzhou” 《福音-溫州(1867-2017)基督新教來溫一百五十週年學術論文集》。香港:方舟機構有限公司。November 2017, 頁271-290
2015 “Growing Mission-God Multiplies Mission Movement in Asia-Break-in and Growing”, 《磨合與成長》。OMF Hong Kong, January 2015, pp200-203
2014 “Marching On: The Story of CIM Missionaries in Wenzhou, Postscript: The Wenzhou church with abounded grace”, 《得天獨厚的溫州教會》。OMF Hong Kong and CCM Christian Mission Limited, September 2014 頁103-107
2009 “A Legacy Continues: In Appreciation of James Hudson Taylor III: The Changes and Opportunities in China”, OMF Hong Kong, November 2009, pp 41-48
宣教性文章 Mission Articles
“Where is the Chinese Missionary Movement Headed in the New Era?” China Source Quarterly, Winter 2022
“Missional Relationships: Experiencing the Abundance of Love in the Trinity”. East Asia Million, OMF Taiwan, Vol, 104, issue 3, 2021
“The Mission Movement Today and Future Development in China’s Church”, Great Commission Bi-Monthly US, Vol 105, Aug 2013
“Challenges and Opportunities Facing the Church in China through the Lens of China Today” China and Beyond Monthly Newsletter, March 2011
“Chinese Church and Mission”, East Asia Million, OMF Hong Kong, Vol 70, March 2009
“Boundless Opportunities”, East Asia Millions, OMF Hong Kong, Vol 65, February 2008
“Shoulder to Shoulder with the Church in China”, Bi-Monthly Journal, OMF Malaysia, 2003
宣教研究文章 Mission Research Papers
“The Impact of the Doctrine of Historical Materialism and Materialist Trends on Church in China”, Mission Research and Development Consultation, Hong Kong, July 2014
“Understanding the Tension and the Development between Three-Self Church and House Church through the Lens of Ecclesiology”, Mission Research Roundtable, OMF International, March 2013
研討會文章Conference presentation papers:
“Church Movement in China Today: Eight Different Types of Chinese House Church”, Fjellhaug International University College, Oslo, Norway. March 2015
“Discipleship & Returnees: Discipleship from the Returnee Perspective”, Diaspora Returnee Ministry Conference, Hong Kong. 2014
“Journeying with the Chinese Church towards World Missions: How to Prepare for PRC Sending: Training, Structures, and Cooperation”, Koinonia Conference, Chiangmai, Thailand, September 2014
“The Mission Strategy and Cross-culture Training”, Mission China Conference, Seoul, Korea. August 2011
“The Theological Education in China Today and Future” Mission China Conference, Seoul, Korea. August 2011
“The Transformation and Renewal of the Structure of Chinese House Churches”, China and Beyond Conference, Chiangmai, Thailand. June 2011
“Mission and Theological Education-The Four Tensions Between Mission and Theology”, Theology Forum in China Evangelical Seminary, Taipei, Taiwan. March 2010
“The Catalytic Role of the Integration of Ecclesiology, Discipleship and Mission- The Response Paper to Dr David Tai Woon Lee” Mission Research Roundtable Consultation, OMF International, Singapore. Aug 2008
宣教歷史 Mission History
宣教神學 Mission Theology
宣教與文化 Mission and Culture
跨文化溝通 Intercultural Communication
處境化與處境神學 Contextualisation and Contexture Theology
宣教機構與領袖發展 Mission Organisation and Leadership Development
身份認同與宣教 Identity and Mission
身份認同與領袖使命 Identity and Leadership
質性研究方法論 Qualitative Research and Methodology
跨領域研究方法 Inter-Disciplinary Research and Method
中國教會發展研究 China’s Church Development Studies
中國宣教運動研究 China’s Mission Movement Studies