• Our Work

Two Key Strategies:

CES International

By God’s Grace, over the past 50 years CES has sent over 2000 graduates around the world to serve His Church, taking up the mantle of sharing the Gospel. The 21st century is a time of globalization. The Chinese population has spread all over the world and the need for the Gospel is as pressing as ever. In the face of these challenges, CES continues to maintain the spirit of her founding, which was “to dedicate this institution in service of Chinese churches worldwide”, and by extension, to nurture people to serve as missionaries, pastors, and educators, CES currently has campuses domestically and internationally in Canada and the United States so as to provide churches in that area with people to participate in ministry. Our strategy is to wholeheartedly look to God as we widen our horizons to accomplish what He called us to do.

CES at Home

In 2004, the legislature passed the 9th amendment to all legislation pertaining to private colleges and universities, granting religious institutions the right to establish officially endorsed research facilities. In 2006, CES decided to apply for a 3rd expansion in establishing another campus. Due to the limitations in the space available, our application was put on hold until a suitable location was found. By God’s gracious provision and by the generous offering from our partners, we were able to purchase a plot of land 2 hectares in area. This new campus is 35 kilometers away from our current location, which translates to a 40-minute drive. The lot is level, square, and perfect for development. CES officially submitted the project application to the Taiwan Ministry of Education (MOE) in February of 2014. After some bureaucratic back-and-forth, the application was approved by the MOE in May 24th of 2016.

The reasons that CES applied for the expansion are as follows:

  1. To respond to the growing needs of the churches:

    The growth in the number of pastoral workers needs to meet the rapidly increasing Christian populace. By our estimations, the number of students that CES could train will double upon completion of the new facility.

  2. To express our stand on public issues:

    As the Taiwan Ministry of Education (MOE) endorsed theological research institution, we now have a platform to voice our opinions of public issues as part of the MOE, thus acting as a more influential and relevant player in the public eye.

  3. To enhance academic status:

    Upon admission into the MOE, more stringent educational standards must be met. To that end, there will be more objective evaluations of our instructional methods and student performance results to ascertain that high standards are kept in theological education.

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