• Our Mission and Vision

 CES is…

A Seminary in Service of the Global Chinese Population

CES is called by God to uphold evangelical faith in the training of His servants for the Kingdom. Our main focus is to serve Chinese churches and Christians worldwide.

A Seminary that Transcends Denominational Barriers

Although our students come from various denominations, CES does not belong to any particular denomination. Through Faith, we seek the will and guidance of the Lord and we rely on His provision. Our support comes mostly from God-loving Chinese believers around the world who identify with our vision. They support us through prayers, donations, and active participation in our programs and ministries.

We thank the Lord for entrusting us with this calling and for blessing us through the years with His own presence.

In response to the Great Commission by our Lord Jesus Christ. CES consistently adheres to the following three vision statements when serving as teachers, researchers, and instructors:

  1. Training Servants of the Kingdom: Since its establishment, we have strived to produce Kingdom workers characterized by genuine scholarship, spiritual vitality, upright character, and effective skills in ministry. Through our masters and doctoral academic programs and through additional theological education-by-extension programs, we equip people to serve in churches and Christian organizations.
  2. Uniting Partners for the Gospel: In order to fulfill the Great Commission in cooperation with churches and Christian organizations, CES is willing to provide and share our theological research resources with our partners to better support each other in missions, in pastoral ministries, and in various other ministries.
  3. Responding to Contemporary Issues: Faced with a pluralistic and rapidly changing society, CES confronts contemporary issues with foundational Christian principles that are contextualized to Chinese and Taiwanese cultures. Through public conferences and by publishing papers in the relevant fields, we seek to guide both the church and our society in the direction that best aligns with our faith.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

We advocate Gender Equity, reject Racism, and do not discriminate on the basis of Gender, Color, Age, etc.
電話:(03) 2737477 | 傳真:(03) 3714703
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