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    Electronic resources






eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)
eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

■ 資料類型:電子書全文資料庫
■ 本館目前已採購200餘冊電子書(亦可透過館藏目錄查詢),本館持續增加採購中。

iRead eBooks (華藝電子書)
iRead eBooks 華藝電子書

■ 資料類型:電子書全文資料庫。

■ 本館目前僅採購1冊電子書(2 Users)(亦可透過館藏目錄查詢),未來將持續增加採購。

■ 共收錄了逾40,000本繁體中文電子書,已上線逾40,000本。是全台灣收錄「數量最多」、「主題最多元」、「最容易使用」的中文電子書服務平台。

■ 特色如下:

  1. 支援各種載具「線上on-line」以及「下載download」的閱讀服務。
    • 線上閱讀:不用安裝任何軟體,且完全跨載具支援,以瀏覽器如IE、Firefox、Chrome…即可閱讀。
    • 下載閱讀:除PC外,亦支援Android、iPhone、iPad系統之行動載具,需搭配APP閱讀軟體【iRead eBook】使用。下載閱讀的使用說明請詳 http://www.airitibooks.com/Other/Newbie?NewbieType=5
  2. 出版社包含:Airiti Press、中研院、交大出版社、清大出版社、中山大學出版社、中央大學黑盒子、台藝大出版社、秋雨、聯經、華泰、華杏、華成、時報、臺灣商務、藝術圖書、書林、千華、傳記文學、麗文、全華、心理、永大、文津、萬卷樓、張老師、日月、希伯崙、橘井文化、啟動、漫遊者、碁峯、永續、紅螞蟻、知己等超過1200家優質出版社。
OCLC Collection

1. ArticleFirst

2. ECO

3. PapersFirst

4. ProceedingsFirst

5. OAIster

OCLC Collection

1. ArticleFirst (1990- ):
■ 資料類型:索摘
■ 提供近16,000種期刊之文章索摘。
■ 涵蓋商業、科學、人文學、社會科學、醫藥、技術、通俗文化等主題。

2.ECO (A&I) (1995- ):
■ 資料類型:索摘
■ 提供OCLC Electronic Collections Online資料庫中5,000種期刊之文章索摘。
■ 涵蓋農業、圖書館學、人類學、文學、商業、醫藥、經濟學、哲學、教育、政治科學、美術、心理學、地理、宗教、歷史、科學語言、社會科學、法律、技術等主題。

3.PapersFirst (1993- ):
■ 資料類型:索引
■ 提供世界各地會議上發表論文之索引,包含大英圖書館文獻供應中心(BLDSC)所蒐集之會議論文報告之單篇論文之索引。
■ 涵蓋理、工、醫、農、社會、人文等各類主題。

4.ProceedingsFirst (1993- ):
■ 資料類型:索引
■ 收錄各學科之會議、研討會、展覽等會議論文集之索引,包含大英圖書館文獻供應中心(BLDSC)所蒐集之會議論文集之索引。
■ 涵蓋理、工、醫、農、社會、人文等各類主題。

5. OAIster
■ 數位資源的聯合目錄。
■ 內容涵蓋論文、技術報告、研究報告、圖像資料集。



1. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses A&I (PQDT)

2. Agricultural & Environmental Science Collection (1960- )

3. Arts & Humanities Database

4. Coronavirus Research Database

5. Healthcare Administration Database

6. Political Science Database (1985- )

7. Publicly Available Content Database

8. The Vogue Archive

1. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses A&I
■ 資料類型:索摘
■ 提供歐美加地區等博碩士論文索摘 (1861- ),其中可免費瀏覽1997年後已數位化之論文的前24頁。

2. Agricultural & Environmental Science Collection
■ 農業暨環境科學全文資料庫
■ 收錄自1960年以來之農業與環境科學之期刊文獻

3. Arts & Humanities Database
■ 藝術與人文電子全文資料庫
■ 收錄至少500種期刊文獻,含括藝術設計、建築、歷史、哲學、語文及文學等主題。

4. Coronavirus Research Database

5. Healthcare Administration Database
■ 收錄健康照護、醫院管理、醫療保險、倫理等相關領域之期刊文獻。

6. Political Science Database
■ 政治科學電子全文資料庫
■ 涵蓋自1985年以來之政治學、國際關係、政治經濟學、國際發展、人權等主題之期刊文獻。

7. Publicly Available Content Database
■ 公開取用文獻資料庫
■ 提供多主題來源之公開取用電子全文資料庫,內容包含期刊文獻、預先出版之書籍、會議報告、研究報告等文獻資料。

8. The Vogue Archive
■ 時尚資料庫
■ 涵蓋自1892年以來之美國時尚、服裝、流行文化、性別研究、攝影及影像設計、廣告行銷等主題資料。

WilsonWeb Omnifile Full Text Select (EBSCOhost)
■ 資料類型:全文
■ 提供下列 11 個資料庫之 2,887 種期刊之索摘及全文:

Applied Science & Technology Full Text
Art Full Text
Biological & Agricultural Index Plus
Education Full Text
General Science Full Text
Humanities Full Text
Index to Legal Periodicals Full Text
Library Literature & Information Science Full Text
Readers’ Guide Full Text
Social Sciences Full Text
Wilson Business Full Text

■ 涵蓋商業、人文、一般科學、教育、社會科學、藝術、應用科學、圖書資訊科學等主題。
■ 本資料庫已被EBSCO併購,資料庫已轉移至EBSCOhost系統,轉移後的資料庫並無細分子資料庫。
■ 收錄年限:1994-
※請點選Wilson Databases進入資料庫。

Airiti Library 華藝線上圖書館
■ 資料類型:全文
■ 為華藝數位公司建置之全文型資料庫,內容收錄台灣與中國大陸之期刊論文、學位論文、會議論文及電子書等資料。主題含括人文學、社會科學、自然科學、應用科學、醫學、生命科學等。
■ Airiti Library 資料庫內又分4個子資料庫,列述如下:


CETD學位論文:收錄台灣大學(2004年起)、成大、清大、交大、淡江大學等40多所學校學位論文,提供全方位服務。 收錄年代至2004年起。(開放試用)



■ 資料類型:全文
■ 為中國知網CNKI(中國知識基礎設施工程)所發展的《中國期刊全文資料庫》,收錄中國出版的學術期刊8500餘種,包含:自然科學、工程技術、農業、哲學、醫學、社會科學及人文科學等領域,為一綜合性期刊全文資庫。本館僅訂閱【哲學與人文科學】、【教育與社會科學】等二個專輯。

  • 哲學與人文科學:1994年迄今~
  • 教育與社會科學:1994年迄今~

■ 特色:本資料庫提供文獻引用及被引用之間的節點關聯,有助於研究者尋找該主題文獻。

■ 資料類型:全文
■ 《萬方數據知識服務平台》為中國科學技術信息研究所結合民間成立建置,內容收錄8,000多種中國專業學術期刊、700萬篇學位論文及會議論文,以及中國地方志、專利、標準、企業名錄、法律法規等資料。該平台主要三大資料庫,列述如下:

  • 《中國學術期刊資料庫》:1998年起,收錄8,000種中國學術期刊,3,000萬篇文獻,每週更近。
  • 《中國學位論文資料庫》:1980年起,收錄900所高等院校之碩博士論文,約400萬篇,每月更新。
  • 《中國學術會議文獻資料庫》:1983年起,收錄各類研討會、年會、論壇等發表之論文,收錄近400萬篇論文全文,每月更新。




Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials Plus
■ 資料類型:全文
■ ATLAs PLUS收錄650種以上的全文期刊, 含括宗教與神學研究範疇, 電子全文的語文超過20種以上, 收錄超過40個國家的資料。 ATLAs PLUS除包含原本ATLAs中所收錄的期刊種數, 並額外增加390種全文期刊。
■ ATLAs PLUS索引記錄:總計超過120筆記錄,收錄650種以上的期刊。
■蒐錄主題:聖典、世界宗教(含佛教、天主教、基督教、伊斯蘭教及猶太教), 宗教間對話、處境神學、系統神學、宗教研究、宗派歷史、宣教與普世主義、教牧事工、考古與古物、人類文化與社會、哲學與倫理等。

※請點選EBSCOhost Web進入資料庫。

ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials
■ 資料類型:全文
■ 美國神學圖書館協會 (American Theological Library Association)收集基督教領域之期刊文獻、書評及論文集等資料進行索引,約收錄1,656種期刊,包含聖經研究、世界宗教、教會歷史、社會議 題的宗教觀點等主題,資料庫約有160萬筆以上的索引記錄,其中555,000筆記錄為期刊文獻記錄,232,000筆為論文集記錄,511,000筆為書評記錄。此外,並提供美國100餘種宗教學術期刊之266,000篇電子全文。
※請點選EBSCOhost Web進入資料庫。
■ 資料類型:全文
■ JSTOR是以建立完整的重要學術期刊文獻檔案、節省圖書館保存期刊館藏所耗損之人力、金錢,並彌補傳統保存紙本式期刊所無法做到之完整性為目標所成立之組織,專門收錄過期學術期刊之全文資料。每種期刊的收錄年限不同,以收錄各期刊完整之卷期為目標。本館主要訂閱下列主題資料庫:

Jewish Studies Archive Collection 收錄了至少50種猶太研究之相關特色期刊,包含了Association for Jewish Studies、Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary、Hebrew Union College、Rabbinical Council of America 及 National Association of Professors of Hebrew等組織的重要刊物。

New Testament Abstracts
■ 資料類型:索摘
■ New Testament Abstracts Online 是 ATLA 與Boston College 合作的成果。此資料庫是新約聖經及其歷史背景的學者、圖書館員、教會牧師長執和神學生不可或缺的研究和參考書目資源。它包含逾 44,000 份文章摘要、1,200 份評鑑摘要、16,500 份書籍摘要以及 50 份軟體摘要。
Old Testament Abstracts
■ 資料類型:索摘
■ Old Testament Abstracts Online 是 ATLA 與 Catholic Biblical Association 合作的產品。此資料庫提供期刊文章、專題論文、合著作品以及與《舊約聖經》研究有關的軟體的索引和摘要。涵蓋的主題包括古代文物、考古學、聖經與神學、語言學等。
Religion & Philosophy Collection
■ 資料類型:全文
■ 廣泛收錄宗教及哲學各主題,包含世界宗教、主要宗派、聖經研究、宗教史、哲學認識論、政治哲學、語言哲學、道德哲學、以及哲學史。它並提供逾300種全文期刊,其中包括逾250種同儕評鑑期刊,是神學與哲學研究之重要參考工具。
※請點選EBSCOhost Web進入資料庫。
Religious and Theological abstracts
■ 資料類型:索摘
■ Religious and Theological Abstracts 係針對宗教與神學領域之英語、希伯來、南非荷蘭語、及歐洲語文之期刊文獻,進行索引,並提供英文摘要。主題包括基督教、猶太教及世界各宗教。
■ 收錄超過600種期刊,範圍自1958年迄今。查看期刊清單,請上 http://www.rtabstracts.org/journals-we-abstract.php
Research in Ministry (RIM)
■ 資料類型:索摘
■ 自1981年開始編製,收錄美加神學院校聯合會(Association of Theological Schools,簡稱ATS)認可之50所教牧博士及宣教學博士課程的教牧博士論文、宣教學博士論文記錄。RIM除提供作者、論文題名、 論文指導教授、畢業學校、ATLA主題詞典、摘要關鍵詞等欄位搜尋外,也提供布林邏輯相似詞及組合詞檢索。本資料庫係由美國神學圖書館協會(American Theological Library Association)製作提供。

World Christian Encyclopedia Online (3rd. edition)

世界基督教線上百科全書 (第三版)
■ 資料類型:線上版百科全書(可全文檢索)
■ 版本:3rd edition (第三版)
■說明:This in the online version of the 3rd edition of the World Christian Encyclopedia, which documents the changing status of World Christianity over the past 120 years from historical and social scientific perspectives. It records the continued shift of Christianity to the Global South and contains estimates for religious and nonreligious affiliation in every country of the world, including detail on Christianity to the denominational level. This reference work features comprehensive descriptions of all Christian traditions, including current information on the uniqueness of Christian experiences around the world. The online version is fully text searchable, contains cross references and additional photo material. 




■ 資料類型:索摘
■ 提供人類對環境影響的研究資訊,內容包含全球暖化、資源回收、及替代性能源等環境議題之研究資料,探討農業、教育、法律、健康和科技等學科與環境間之影響的相關主題,包括學術及一般主題,且範圍涵蓋政府文件及報告。本資料庫提供逾384,000筆記錄的索引與摘要,以及逾 4,700筆記錄的開放取閱(Open Access)全文。
■ 涵蓋人類對環境影響之相關主題。
※請點選EBSCOhost Web進入資料庫。
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
■ 資料類型:索摘。
■ 收錄圖書資訊學領域逾500種核心期刊、超過50種重要期刊,以及125種精選期刊,加上書籍、研究報告與記錄的索引。本資料庫也收錄逾240種期刊的全文。
■ 涵蓋圖書館業務、分類、目錄編製、書目計量學、線上資訊擷取、資訊管理等相關主題。
※請點選EBSCOhost Web進入資料庫。
Open Dissertations
■ 資料類型:全文資料庫。
■ 為一開放使用資料庫,幫助研究人員查找歷史和當代的博士論文和碩士論文。由H.W. Wilson Foundation 及 Congregational Library & Archives in Boston 支持建立,加入EBSCO 的 American Doctoral Dissertations。
OmniFile Full Text Select (H. W Wilson)
■ 資料類型:全文資料庫。
■ 提供全文內容的資料庫,其中包含大量有關跨學科學習和研究的重要材料。該資料庫全文收錄了約 2,700 種出版品,其中有許多是同儕評鑑出版物。
Teacher Reference Center
■ 資料類型:索摘。
■ 提供280本教師和管理員暢銷期刊與雜誌的索引及摘要,以協助專業教育者。
■ 收錄主題包含:Assessment,Best Practices,Continuing Education, Current Pedagogical Research, Curriculum Development, Elementary Education, Higher Education, Instructional Media, Language Arts, Literacy Standards, School Administration, Science & Mathematics, and Teacher Education。




Nature Archive, 1987 – 1996
■ 資料類型:全文(1987-1996為免費全文)。
■ nature.com平台提供之電子期刊,主題涵蓋科學、技術、生物技術、化學、基因與進化、免疫、藥學、醫學、臨床醫學、惡性腫瘤、牙科、分子細胞生物、神經科學、物理科學等。

電子期刊 - 主題分類

最新一期電子期刊全文,本館訂購之197種西文電子期刊,按期刊主題分類,其中有 13種期刊免費開放取用 (Open Access Journal)

聖經研究.聖經考古 / 猶太教.古代近東研究
Bible Study.Bible Archaeology / Judaism.Ancient Near East Studies

刊名/全文年代起始 所屬資料庫⁄出版社
Aramaic Studies  (2003- ) Brill Journals
Biblical Interpretation   (2000- ) Brill Journals
Biblical Theology Bulletin  (1999- ) Sage Journals
Biblische Zeitschrift   (2018- ) Brill Journals
Brill Research Perspectives in Biblical Interpretation  (2016- ) Brill Journals
Bulletin for Biblical Research (1991- ) Penn State University Press
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (2019- )  U.of Chicago Press
Catholic Biblical Quarterly (2017- ) Johns Hopkins University Press
Catholic Historical Review (1995- ) Johns Hopkins University Press
Currents in Biblical Research (2002- ) Sage Journals
Dead Sea Discoveries  (2000- ) Brill Journals
Eikon : A Journal for biblical anthropology  (2019- ) Open Access
European Journal of Jewish Studies (2007- ) Brill Journals
Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel (2012- ) Mohr Siebeck
Hebrew Studies  (1977-) JSTOR
Horizons in Biblical Theology  (2000- ) Brill Journals
Interpretation (1999-) Sage Journals
Jewish Studies Quarterly (2002- ) Mohr Siebeck
Journal for the Study of Judaism  (2000- ) Brill Journals
Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions  (2001- ) Brill Journals
Journal of Biblical Literature   (2000- ) JSTOR
Journal of Cuneiform Studies (1999-) U.of Chicago Press
Journal of Near Eastern Studies (1884-) (JSTOR) U.of Chicago Press
Journal of Semitic Studies (1996-) Oxford Journals
Journal of  Islamic Ethics ( 2017- ) Brill Journals
Near Eastern Archaeology(1998-) JSTOR
Review of Rabbinic Judaism  (2000- ) Brill Journals
Textus  (2000- ) Brill Journals
The Bible Translator  (1999- ) Sage Journals
The Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood  (1995-2016 ) Open Access
The Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy   (2000- ) Brill Journals
Tyndale Bulletin  (1956- ) Brill Journals
刊名/全文年代起始 所屬資料庫⁄出版社
AJS Review (1976-2013) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Alei Sefer: Studies in Bibliography and in the History of the Printed and the Digital Hebrew Book  (1975-2018) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Aleph (2001-2018) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
American Jewish History (1978-2013) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
The American Jewish Year Book (1899-2008) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Antisemitism Studies  (2017-2019) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Beit Mikra: Journal for the Study of the Bible and Its World  (בית מקרא: כתב-עת לחקר המקרא ועולמו/(1956-2016 JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Bridges (1990-2011) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Cathedra: For the History of Eretz Israel and Its Yishuv ( קתדרה: לתולדות ארץ ישראל ויישובה /(1976-2013 JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Contemporary Jewry (1977-2015) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Daat: A Journal of Jewish Philosophy & Kabbalah ( דעת: כתב-עת לפילוסופיה יהודית וקבלה /(1978-2018 JSTOR- Jewish Studies
European Judaism: A Journal for the New Europe (1966-2015) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Hebrew Studies  (1976- ) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Hebrew Union College Annual  (1924-2017) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Historia: Journal of the Historical Society of Israel ( היסטוריה: כתב עת של החברה ההיסטורית הישראלית /(1998-2013 JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Iggud: Selected Essays in Jewish Studies ( איגוד: מבחר מאמרים במדעי היהדות / ( 2005- ) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Israel Studies Review (2011-2015) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly ( עיון: רבעון פילוסופי /(1945-2015 JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Jerusalem Studies in Hebrew Literature ( מחקרי ירושלים בספרות עברית/(1981-2016 JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Folklore (1981-2016) / מחקרי ירושלים בפולקלור יהודי JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought (1981-2017) / מחקרי ירושלים במחשבת ישראל JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Jewish Historical Studies (1982-2015) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Jewish History (1986-2015) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Jewish Political Studies Review (1989-2018) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
The Jewish Quarterly Review  (1888-2015) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Jewish Social Studies (1939-2019) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Jewish Studies  (1990-2016) /מדעי היהדות JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Jewish Studies Quarterly  (1993-2013) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman Period (1970-2015) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Journal of Jewish Ethics (2015-2018) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Kesher /( קשר(1987-2013 JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Lĕšonénu: A Journal for the Study of the Hebrew Language and Cognate Subjects (1928-2014) / לשוננו: כתב-עת לחקר הלשון העברית והתחומים הסמוכים לה JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Meghillot: Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls (2003-2014) / מגילות: מחקרים במגילות מדבר יהודה JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Michael: On the History of the Jews in the Diaspora (1972-2004) / מיכאל: מאסף לתולדות היהודים בתפוצות  JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Mitteilungen des Gesamtarchivs der deutschen Juden (1909-1926) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Mitteilungen zur jüdischen Volkskunde (1905-1929) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Modern Judaism(1981-2013) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums (1856-1939) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Musica Judaica (1975-2015) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women’s Studies & Gender Issues (1998-2018) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Pe’amim: Studies in Oriental Jewry  (1979-2013) / מיכאל: מאסף לתולדות היהודים בתפוצות JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research (1928-1997) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Prooftexts (1981-2018) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
La Rassegna Mensile di Israel (1925-2015) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Revue Européenne des Études Hébraïques (1996-2015) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Sefunot: Studies and Sources on the History of the Jewish Communities in the East (1956-2003)/ ספונות: מחקרים ומקורות לתולדות קהילות ישראל במזרח JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Shenaton ha-Mishpat ha-Ivri: Annual of the Institute for Research in Jewish Law (1974-2014)/ שנתון המשפט העברי של המכון לחקר המשפט העברי JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Shnaton: An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies  (1975-2017)/ שנתון לחקר המקרא והמזרח הקדום JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Shofar (1982-2019) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Sidra: A Journal for the Study of Rabbinic Literature(1985-2017) /ידרא: כתב-עת לחקר ספרות התורה שבעל-פה JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Studia Rosenthaliana (1967-2012) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Studies in American Jewish Literature (1981-2019) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Studies in Bibliography and Booklore (1953-2001) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Tarbiẕ  (1929-2017)/ תרביץ  JSTOR- Jewish Studies
The Torah U-Madda Journal(1989-2016) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought (1958-2015) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Zion (1935-2014)/ ציון  JSTOR- Jewish Studies
Zmanim: A Historical Quarterly  (1979-2018)/ זמנים: רבעון להיסטוריה JSTOR- Jewish Studies

舊約聖經 / 新約聖經
Old Testament / New Testament

刊名 /全文年代起始 所屬資料庫⁄出版社
Jnl. for the Study of the  Old Testament   (1999- ) Sage Journals
Vetus Testamentum   (2000- ) Brill Journals
Biblica   (1999- ) Open Access
Jnl. for the Study of the  New Testament   (1999- ) Sage Journals
Jnl. for the Study of Paul and his Letters   (2014- ) Penn State University Press
New Testament Studies (1997- ) Cambridge Journals
Novum Testamentum   (1999- ) Brill Journals

教義神學 / 宗教研究
Theology.Doctrine / Religion Studies

刊名 /全文年代起始 所屬資料庫⁄出版社
Journal of Pentecostal Theology  (1992- ) Brill Journals
Christianity and Literature   (1999- ) Johns Hopkins University Press
Expository Times  (1999- ) Sage Journals
Studies in Christian Ethics  (1999- ) Sage Journals
Journal of Theological Studies (1996- ) Oxford Journals
Scottish Journal of Theology  (2002- ) Cambridge Journals
Harvard Theological Review (2001- ) Cambridge Journals
CrossCurrents (2008- ) Johns Hopkins University Press
Dialog (2000- ) Wiley Online Library
International Journal of Systematic Theology (1999- ) Wiley Online Library
The Heythrop Journal (1996- ) Wiley Online Library
Theological Studies (1999- ) Sage Journals
Themelios (1975- ) Open Access
Horizons (2004-) Cambridge Journals
Exchange (2000- ) Brill Journals
Gnosis: Journal of Gnostic Studies (2016- ) Brill Journals
International Journal of Public Theology  (2007- ) Brill Journals
Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus  (2003- ) Brill Journals
Journal of Empirical Theology  (2000- ) Brill Journals
Journal of Reformed Theology  (2007- ) Brill Journals
Journal of Religion in Africa  (2000- ) Brill Journals
Journal of Religion in Europe  (2008- ) Brill Journals
Journal of Religion in Japan  (2012- ) Brill Journals
Journal of Sufi Studies  (2012- ) Brill Journals
Method & Theory in the Study of Religion  (2000- ) Brill Journals
Numen  (2000- ) Brill Journals
Philosophia Reformata (2000- ) Brill Journals
Pneuma (2000- ) Brill Journals
Religion and Theology (2000- ) Brill Journals
Spiritus (2000- ) Johns Hopkins University Press
Die Welt des Islams  (2000- ) Brill Journals
Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte  (2000- ) Brill Journals
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1958- ) Evangelical Theological Society
The Evangelical Review of Theology and Politics (2013- ) King’s Evangelical Divinity School
Brill Research Perspectives in Theology (2017- ) Brill Journals
Religious Studies Review  2013停訂,Back Issue (1997-2012) Wiley Online Library
Reviews in Religion & Theology 2013停訂,Back Issue (1997-2012) Wiley Online Library
Journal of Religious Ethics 2013停訂,Back Issue (1997-2012) Wiley Online Library
Modern Theology 2013停訂,Back Issue (1997-2012) Wiley Online Library
Zygon: Journal of Religion & Science  2013停訂,Back Issue (1997-2012) Wiley Online Library
Medieval Philosophy and Theolgy ( 1998- ) Cambridge Journals

宣教 / 教牧 / 實踐神學
Mission Studies / Pastoral Theology / Pratical Theology

刊名 /全文年代起始 所屬資料庫⁄出版社
Archive for the Psychology of Religion/Archiv für Religionspsychologie  (1999- ) Brill Journals
Aries  (1999- ) Brill Journals
Brill Research Perspectives in Religion and Arts ( 2017- ) Brill Journals
Brill Research Perspectives in Religion and Education  (2019- ) Brill Journals
Brill Research Perspectives in Religion and Politics  (2019- ) Brill Journals
Brill Research Perspectives in Religion and Psychology (2019- ) Brill Journals
Brill Research Perspectives in Theological Traditions (2019- ) Brill Journals
Christian Bioethics  (1996-  ) Oxford Journals
Christian Education Journal (2003- ) Sage Journals
Ecclesial Practices  (1996-  ) Brill Journals
Faith and Philosophy  (2017-) Open Access
Global Missiology  (1999-) Open Access
International  Journal of Education and Religion  (2000-2003) Brill Journals
International  Journal of  Asian Christianity  (2018-) Brill Journals
International Bulletin of  Mission Research  (1977-  ) Sage Journals
International Journal of Divination and Prognostication (2019-) Brill Journals
International Journal of Practical Theology (1997- ) Walter de Gruyter GmbH
International Review of Mission 2013停訂,Back Issue( 1997-2012 ) Wiley Online Library
Journal of Counseling & Development  ( 1996-  ) Wiley Online Library
Journal of Law, Religion and State  (1996-  ) Brill Journals
Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling  (1996-  ) Sage Journals
Journal of Psychology and Theology (2000- ) Sage Journals
Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture  (2012- ) Brill Journals
Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture ( 2012- ) Brill Journals
Journal of Youth and Theology  (2015- ) Brill Journals
Le Fait Missionnaire (2000-2006 ) Brill Journals
Missiology  (1996-  ) Sage Journals
Mission Frontiers (1979- ) Open Access
Mission Round Table Open Access
Mission Studies  (1999- ) Brill Journals
Missionalia: Southern African Journal of Missiology  (2013-  ) Open Access
Practical Theology (2008- ) Taylor & Francis Online
Religion and Gender (2006- ) Brill Journals
Religion and Human Rights  (2006-  ) Brill Journals
Religion and the Arts  (2000-  ) Brill Journals
Review of Religion and Chinese Society  (2014-  ) Brill Journals
Social Sciences and Missions (formerly: Le Fait Missionnaire)  (2007-  ) Brill Journals
Southwestern Journal of Theology (2010- ) Open Access
The Ecumenical Reviewent 2013停訂,Back Issue( 1997-2012 ) Wiley Online Library
The Great Commission Baptist Journal of Missions Open Access
Welt des Islams, Die  (2000- ) Brill Journals
Word &World  (1981-  ) Open Access
Worldviews  (2000-  ) Brill Journals

電子期刊 - 刊名目錄


序號 刊名/全文年代起始 所屬資料庫⁄出版社
1 Biblical Theology Bulletin    (1999- ) Sage Journals
2 Bulletin for Biblical Research Johns Hopkins University Press
3 Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (2019- ) U.of Chicago Press
4 Christian Bioethics  ( 1996-  ) Oxford Journals
5 Christian Education Journal  ( 2003-  ) Sage Journals
6 Christian History  (1982- ) Open Access
7 Christianity and Literature   (1999-) Johns Hopkins University Press
8 Christianity Today  (1968- ) Christianity Today
9 Church History (2004-) Cambridge Journals
10 CrossCurrents (2008-) Johns Hopkins University Press
11 CT Pastors  (2016- ) Christianity Today
12 Currents in Biblical Research (2002-) Sage Journals
13 Dialog (2000-) Wiley Online Library
14 Faith and Philosophy  (2017-) Open Access
15 Global Missiology  (1999-) Open Access
16 Harvard Theological Review (2001-) Cambridge Journals
17 Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel (2012-) Mohr Siebeck
18 Horizons (2004-) Cambridge Journals
19 International Bulletin of  Mission Research  (1999-) Sage Journals
20 International Journal of Practical Theology (1997- ) Walter de Gruyter GmbH
21 International Journal of Systematic Theology (1999-) Wiley Online Library
22 International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church  (2001- ) Taylor & Francis Online
23 Interpretation (1999-) Sage Journals
24 Jewish Studies Quarterly   (2012- ) Mohr Siebeck
25 Jnl. for the Study of the  New Testament  (1999-) Sage Journals
26 Jnl. for the Study of the  Old Testament   (1999-) Sage Journals
27 Journal for the Study of Paul and His Letters Johns Hopkins University Press
28 Journal of Counseling & Development (1996-) Wiley Online Library
29 Journal of Cuneiform Studies (1999-) U.of Chicago Press
30 Journal of Early Christian Studies Johns Hopkins University Press
31 Journal of Near Eastern Studies (2003-) U.of Chicago Press
32 Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling (1999-) Sage Journals
33 Journal of Psychology and Theology  (2000- ) Sage Journals
34 Journal of Semitic Studies (1996-) Oxford Journals
35 Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (1958- ) Evangelical Theological Society
36 Journal of Theological Studies (1996-) Oxford Journals
37 Lutheran Quarterly (2016- ) Johns Hopkins University Press
38 Medieval Philosophy and Theolgy ( 1998- ) Cambridge Journals
39 Mental Health, Religion & Culture  Taylor & Francis Online
40 Missiology (1999-) Sage Journals
41 Mission Frontiers Open Access
42 Mission Round Table Open Access
43 Missionalia: Southern African Journal of Missiology  (2013- ) Open Access
44 Near Eastern Archaeology (1998-) U.of Chicago Press
45 New Testament Studies (1997-) Cambridge Journals
46 Open Theology Open Access
47 Practical Theology (1997- ) Taylor & Francis Online
48 Scottish Journal of Theology  (2002-) Cambridge Journals
49 Southwestern Journal of Theology (2010- ) Open Access
50 Spiritus (2000- ) Johns Hopkins University Press
51 Studies in Christian Ethics  (1999-) Sage Journals
52 The Bible Translator  (1999-) Sage Journals
53 The Catholic Biblical Quarterly Johns Hopkins University Press
54 The Catholic Historical Review Johns Hopkins University Press
55 The Evangelical Review of Theology and Politics (2013- ) King’s Evangelical Divinity School
56 The Expository Times  (1999-) Sage Journals
57 The Great Commission Baptist Journal of Missions Open Access
58 The Heythrop Journal (1996-) Wiley Online Library
59 The Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood  (1995-2016) Open Access
60 The Journal of Ecclesiastical History (1997-) Cambridge Journals
61 Themelios (1975- ) Open Access
62 Theological Studies (1999-) Sage Journals
63 Tyndale Bulletin  (1956- ) Open Access
64 Word &World (1981- ) Open Access
序號 刊名/全文年代起始 所屬資料庫⁄出版社
65 Aramaic Studies  (2003- ) Brill Journals
66 Archiv für Katholisches Kirchenrecht (2000- ) Brill Journals
67 Aries (2001- ) Brill Journals
68 Biblical Interpretation (2000- ) Brill Journals
69 Biblische Zeitschrift  (2000- ) Brill Journals
70 Church History and Religious Culture  (2006- ) Brill Journals
71 Dead Sea Discoveries (2000- ) Brill Journals
72 Die Welt des Islams (2000-) Brill Journals
73 Ecclesial Practices (2014- ) Brill Journals
74 Ecclesiology ( 2004- ) Brill Journals
75 European Journal of Jewish Studies (2007- ) Brill Journals
76 Evangelical Quarterly: An International Review of Bible and Theology Brill Journals
77 Exchange ( 2000- ) Brill Journals
78 Fichte-Studien Brill Journals
79 Gnosis: Journal of Gnostic Studies ( 2016- ) Brill Journals
80 Horizons in Biblical Theology (2000- ) Brill Journals
81 International Journal of Public Theology  (2007- ) Brill Journals
82 Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society  Brill Journals
83 International Journal of  Asian Christianity  (2018-) Brill Journals
84 International Journal of Divination and Prognostication (2019-) Brill Journals
85 Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus ( 2003- ) Brill Journals
86 Journal for the Study of Judaism ( 2000- ) Brill Journals
87 Journal of Ancient Judaism Brill Journals
88 Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions ( 2002- ) Brill Journals
89 Journal of Black Religious Thought  Brill Journals
90 Journal of Chinese Theology Brill Journals
91 Journal of Eastern Christian Studies Brill Journals
92 Journal of Empirical Theology (2000- ) Brill Journals
93 Journal of Jesuit Studies ( 2014- ) Brill Journals
94 Journal of Law, Religion and State (2012- ) Brill Journals
95 Journal of Pentecostal Theology  (2000- ) Brill Journals
96 Journal of Reformed Theology  (2007- ) Brill Journals
97 Journal of Religion in Africa (2000- ) Brill Journals
98 Journal of Religion in Europe (2008- ) Brill Journals
99 Journal of Religion in Japan (2012- ) Brill Journals
100 Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture  (2012- ) Brill Journals
101 Journal of Religious Minorities under Muslim Rule Brill Journals
102 Journal of Sufi Studies (2012- ) Brill Journals
103 Journal of Youth and Theology (2002- ) Brill Journals
104 Method & Theory in the Study of Religion (2000- ) Brill Journals
105 Mission Studies (2000- ) Brill Journals
106 Novum Testamentum (2000- ) Brill Journals
107 Numen (2000- ) Brill Journals
108 Philosophia Reformata  (2000- ) Brill Journals
109 Pneuma  (2000- ) Brill Journals
110 Religion and Human Rights (2006- ) Brill Journals
111 Religion and Development Brill Journals
112 Religion and Gender (2006- ) Brill Journals
113 Religion and the Arts (2000- ) Brill Journals
114 Religion and Theology (2000- ) Brill Journals
115 Review of Rabbinic Judaism  (2000- ) Brill Journals
116 Review of Religion and Chinese Society (2014- ) Brill Journals
117 Scrinium (2005- ) Brill Journals
118 Social Sciences and Missions (2007- ) Brill Journals
119 Textus  (2000- ) Brill Journals
120 The Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy  (2000- ) Brill Journals
121 Vetus Testamentum  (2000- ) Brill Journals
122 Vigiliae Christianae  (2000- ) Brill Journals
123 Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology  (2000- ) Brill Journals
124 Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte  (2000- ) Brill Journals
125 Archive for the Psychology of Religion/Archiv für Religionspsychologie (2000- ) Brill Journals
126 Brill Research Perspectives in Biblical Interpretation   ( 2016- ) Brill Journals
127 Brill Research Perspectives in Quaker Studies  (2018- ) Brill Journals
128 Brill Research Perspectives in Religion and Arts  (2017- ) Brill Journals
129 Brill Research Perspectives in Theology  (2017- ) Brill Journals
130 Brill Research Perspectives in Jesuit Studies  (2000- ) Brill Journals
131 Brill Research Perspectives in Religion and Education  (2020 ) Brill Journals
132 Brill Research Perspectives in Religion and Politics  (2019- ) Brill Journals
133 Brill Research Perspectives in Religion and Psychology (2019- ) Brill Journals
134 Brill Research Perspectives in Theological Traditions (2019- ) Brill Journals
135 International  Journal of Education and Religion  (2000-2003) Brill Journals
136 Journal of  Islamic Ethics ( 2017- ) Brill Journals
137 Le Fait Missionnaire (2000-2006 ) Brill Journals
138 Nederlands Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis / Dutch Review of Church History (2000-2005) Brill Journals
139 Welt des Islams, Die  (2000- ) Brill Journals
序號 刊名/全文年代起始 所屬資料庫⁄出版社
140 AJS Review (1976-2013) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
141 Alei Sefer: Studies in Bibliography and in the History of the Printed and the Digital Hebrew Book  (1975-2018) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
142 Aleph (2001-2018) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
143 American Jewish History (1978-2013) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
144 The American Jewish Year Book (1899-2008) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
145 Antisemitism Studies  (2017-2019) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
146 Beit Mikra: Journal for the Study of the Bible and Its World  (בית מקרא: כתב-עת לחקר המקרא ועולמו/(1956-2016 JSTOR- Jewish Studies
147 Bridges (1990-2011) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
148 Cathedra: For the History of Eretz Israel and Its Yishuv ( קתדרה: לתולדות ארץ ישראל ויישובה /(1976-2013 JSTOR- Jewish Studies
149 Contemporary Jewry (1977-2015) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
150 Daat: A Journal of Jewish Philosophy & Kabbalah ( דעת: כתב-עת לפילוסופיה יהודית וקבלה /(1978-2018 JSTOR- Jewish Studies
151 European Judaism: A Journal for the New Europe (1966-2015) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
152 Hebrew Studies  (1976- ) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
153 Hebrew Union College Annual  (1924-2017) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
154 Historia: Journal of the Historical Society of Israel ( היסטוריה: כתב עת של החברה ההיסטורית הישראלית /(1998-2013 JSTOR- Jewish Studies
155 Iggud: Selected Essays in Jewish Studies ( איגוד: מבחר מאמרים במדעי היהדות / ( 2005- ) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
156 Israel Studies Review (2011-2015) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
157 Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly ( עיון: רבעון פילוסופי /(1945-2015 JSTOR- Jewish Studies
158 Jerusalem Studies in Hebrew Literature ( מחקרי ירושלים בספרות עברית/(1981-2016 JSTOR- Jewish Studies
159 Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Folklore (1981-2016) / מחקרי ירושלים בפולקלור יהודי JSTOR- Jewish Studies
160 Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought (1981-2017) / מחקרי ירושלים במחשבת ישראל JSTOR- Jewish Studies
161 Jewish Historical Studies (1982-2015) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
162 Jewish History (1986-2015) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
163 Jewish Political Studies Review (1989-2018) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
164 The Jewish Quarterly Review  (1888-2015) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
165 Jewish Social Studies (1939-2019) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
166 Jewish Studies  (1990-2016) /מדעי היהדות JSTOR- Jewish Studies
167 Jewish Studies Quarterly  (1993-2013) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
168 Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman Period (1970-2015) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
169 Journal of Jewish Ethics (2015-2018) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
170 Kesher /( קשר(1987-2013 JSTOR- Jewish Studies
171 Lĕšonénu: A Journal for the Study of the Hebrew Language and Cognate Subjects (1928-2014) / לשוננו: כתב-עת לחקר הלשון העברית והתחומים הסמוכים לה JSTOR- Jewish Studies
172 Meghillot: Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls (2003-2014) / מגילות: מחקרים במגילות מדבר יהודה JSTOR- Jewish Studies
173 Michael: On the History of the Jews in the Diaspora (1972-2004) / מיכאל: מאסף לתולדות היהודים בתפוצות  JSTOR- Jewish Studies
174 Mitteilungen des Gesamtarchivs der deutschen Juden (1909-1926) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
175 Mitteilungen zur jüdischen Volkskunde (1905-1929) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
176 Modern Judaism(1981-2013) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
177 Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums (1856-1939) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
178 Musica Judaica (1975-2015) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
179 Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women’s Studies & Gender Issues (1998-2018) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
180 Pe’amim: Studies in Oriental Jewry  (1979-2013) / מיכאל: מאסף לתולדות היהודים בתפוצות JSTOR- Jewish Studies
181 Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research (1928-1997) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
182 Prooftexts (1981-2018) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
183 La Rassegna Mensile di Israel (1925-2015) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
184 Revue Européenne des Études Hébraïques (1996-2015) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
185 Sefunot: Studies and Sources on the History of the Jewish Communities in the East (1956-2003)/ ספונות: מחקרים ומקורות לתולדות קהילות ישראל במזרח JSTOR- Jewish Studies
186 Shenaton ha-Mishpat ha-Ivri: Annual of the Institute for Research in Jewish Law (1974-2014)/ שנתון המשפט העברי של המכון לחקר המשפט העברי JSTOR- Jewish Studies
187 Shnaton: An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies  (1975-2017)/ שנתון לחקר המקרא והמזרח הקדום JSTOR- Jewish Studies
188 Shofar (1982-2019) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
189 Sidra: A Journal for the Study of Rabbinic Literature(1985-2017) /ידרא: כתב-עת לחקר ספרות התורה שבעל-פה JSTOR- Jewish Studies
190 Studia Rosenthaliana (1967-2012) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
191 Studies in American Jewish Literature (1981-2019) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
192 Studies in Bibliography and Booklore (1953-2001) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
193 Tarbiẕ  (1929-2017)/ תרביץ  JSTOR- Jewish Studies
194 The Torah U-Madda Journal(1989-2016) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
195 Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought (1958-2015) JSTOR- Jewish Studies
196 Zion (1935-2014)/ ציון  JSTOR- Jewish Studies
197 Zmanim: A Historical Quarterly  (1979-2018)/ זמנים: רבעון להיסטוריה JSTOR- Jewish Studies



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  • The Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal 《教務雜誌》
    • 編輯委員:汪靈光、查時傑(主編)、項潔
    • 出版時間:2012年2月10日
    • 出版單位:臺大出版中心、基督教與中國研究中心
    • 語言:英文
    • 電子全文連結網址: http://www.airiticri.com/
    • 全套共75冊,包含:
      • The Missionary Recorder: A Repository of Intelligence from Eastern Missions, and Medium of General Information (1冊,1867年,為 CR 前身)

      • The Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal (72 冊,1868-1941年)

      • The Chinese Recorder Index: A Guide to Christian Missions in Asia, 1867-1941(2冊)

      • CR Index (含電子全文)

  • Atla Digital Library (ATLA 數位圖書館)
    • 美國神學圖書館學會(ATLA)所提供之公開取用的神學及宗教宗教機構數位檔案資料。

  • Books @ atla Open Press
    • 美國神學圖書館學會(ATLA)發展的計劃,提供開放取用之學術性書籍。

  • Christian Classics Ethereal Library (公開取用電子書)
    • The Christian Classics Ethereal Library為一公開取用之基督教經典文獻數位圖書館,1993年由Wheaton College發起該計劃,現由Calvin College支持進行。計劃目的是為增進基督教會,並闡述基礎信仰問題。蒐藏的文獻包含數種不同神學觀點。
    • 歡迎本校師生多加利用,網址:http://www.ccel.org/

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